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Continue shoppingAs you may know, there are skill evaluation systems in pickleball that are represented by a numerical rating. This numerical representation acts as a gauge of your abilities and may differ depending on which rating system you use and your level of play. Most players will not have an official skill rating until they play in at least one tournament.
UTPR Rating System
The original pickleball rating system was developed by USA Pickleball and is called UTPR. UTPR stands for USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings, and it is the rating system sanctioned by USA Pickleball through Players are assigned a 4-digit calculated rating, rounded down to a 2-digit skill level, and the rating may vary by tournament event (i.e., gender doubles, mixed doubles, singles). UTPR ratings range from 0.0 to 7.0.
If you have never competed in a pickleball tournament, you can also obtain an official USA Pickleball Self-Rating by reviewing the defined skill ratings on USA Pickleball and submitting a letter of support from someone familiar with your game.
DUPR Rating System
The DUPR (Dreamland Universal Pickleball Rating) is a much newer pickleball rating system. Introduced in 2021 by the founder of Major League Pickleball, DUPR is designed to help players more accurately track their progress and find players at their same level by simplifying the rating process. Unlike UTPR ratings, recreational matches count toward calculating your DUPR rating.
A DUPR rating is calculated by a combination of:
With DUPR, all players, regardless of their age, gender, location, or skill are rated on the same scale between 2.00-8.00.
As a recreational player, you may be more concerned about pickleball ratings as it applies to joining the right clinics or open play sessions. Following are some highlights of the criteria for each rating level:
2.0 Rating (Novice)
Take your Pickleball game to the next level
If you're aiming to elevate your pickleball proficiency, Play PKL is here to help you on your journey. Visit our Basic Equipment page to learn what type of paddle and balls you need to get started. Next, explore our US-made men’s and women’s pickleball-specific apparel so you can look and feel your best on the court. Finally, check out pickleball accessories such as our chic tote bags, light, breathable hats and carabiners to round out your game.
2.5 Rating
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3.0 Rating
3.5 Rating
4.0 Rating
4.5 Rating
5.0 Rating
Knowing your skill rating will add to your enjoyment of the game, get you set for tournaments and allow you to connect with the right level pickleball players on any court at any location to help you ensure competitive matches. Because pickleball ratings are dynamic, they allow for adjustments as players improve, making the game enjoyable and challenging for players of all skill levels.
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