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Pickleball is the only sport that you can learn to play in under 15 minutes. Unlike tennis, Pickleball doesn’t require hours of lessons and refined technique to get out and have fun. It’s the sport for people who’ve never played a sport. And it’s the only sport where families can play across generations and be truly competitive (the current #2 Women’s Doubles champs are a mother-daughter duo and a 91-year-old woman recently competed in a national tournament). We’ve taught dozens of friends and family to play over the past two years and many of them are as hooked as we are.
Play-PKL was conceived one sunny fall weekend on Long Beach Island, an 18-mile barrier island off the coast of New Jersey.
During the long days of Covid-19 restrictions in the Summer of 2020, our family was growing restless after hours of board games, crossword puzzles, and homemade bread. Since only some members of the family played tennis, and pickleball courts were popping up all over the island, we decided to pick up some paddles and give it a try!
We quickly fell in love with the sport, but were disappointed by the lack of stylish high quality apparel, educational resources, and relatable brands.
As pickleball has exploded across the country, most players are repurposing tennis, golf, or workout clothes for the sport. But why shouldn’t pickleball have its own brand that’s true to the sport?
We launched Play-PKL because we couldn’t find any great content or products when we first started playing. We saw a need for high quality apparel and accessories designed specifically for pickleball. We envisioned something refined but not boring, American-made, and crafted from environmentally-friendly fabrics. Plus great, accessible content about how and where to play.
This vision translated to Play-PKL, a brand developed and sewn in the U.S., which is increasingly rare in the fashion industry. For now, our equipment and accessories are imported because we couldn’t find good quality American manufacturers willing to work with a start-up, but we are continuing our search.
At Play-PKL, we want to spread our love for pickleball, and also to make it a little easier for everyone to learn to play. Won’t you join us?
Heidi & Max
Long Beach Island is an 18-mile barrier island along the Atlantic Ocean coast of New Jersey. It boasts beaches along the full length of the island. In the summer the population of LBI swells to over 100,000.
LBI residents can't seem to get enough pickleball! The island currently has over 20 dedicated courts.
Pictured are new courts erected in the summer of 2022 at Nelson Street in Beach Haven to meet the growing demand.