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Unlocking the Pickleball Dress Code: Why Tennis Gear Isn't Cutting It

Unlocking the Pickleball Dress Code: Why Tennis Gear Isn't Cutting It

While there is no official dress code for pickleball (other than court shoes required at some facilities), many pickleball players opt for traditional tennis or gym apparel for their pickleball attire. While these choices can work on the pickleball court, the design of tennis and gym shorts and skorts is not optimal for pickleball. With the rapid growth of pickleball in the U.S., there is no reason why there shouldn’t be apparel built for the sport. 

The main reason why many people are wearing other clothes to play pickleball is that the pickleball apparel market is extremely underdeveloped. Unlike other sports like tennis or golf, which have a well-established market for apparel and accessories, pickleball has yet to develop a significant apparel market. This means that players often have to look to other sports for clothing that is suitable for playing pickleball.

So what is different about pickleball apparel and why do we need it? 

  1. Pockets: The pockets in tennis shorts/skorts are designed to fit a tennis ball (if they have a pocket at all). Pickleball shorts and skorts should be built with pockets on the outside, and set back to comfortably hold a pickleball out of the way during play.
  2. Comfort: Tennis clothing often seems designed for only slender body types, overlooking the diverse range of body shapes and sizes of pickleball players.
  3. Brand: The clothes you wear to play pickleball should reflect the sport and your enthusiasm for it.

Pickleball-specific apparel such as that offered by Play-PKL, is designed to reflect your passion for pickleball with fun, pickleball-inspired prints and branding. They are built to enhance your game on the court, featuring perfectly-sized pockets on the outside, strategically positioned to comfortably hold a pickleball during play. All of the apparel ensures the right amount of coverage, allowing you to feel your best so you can play your best.

Golf and tennis players enjoy apparel specifically designed for their respective sports, and pickleball players should too. Embrace the advantages of pickleball-specific apparel and experience the difference it can make in your performance on the court. 

Shop high quality apparel – built for the sport. 

To learn more about why tennis apparel is not ideal for pickleball, check out “Why are People Wearing Tennis Clothes to Play Pickleball?”

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