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Continue shoppingMany of us had never even heard of pickleball just a year or two ago and now it seems like everyone and their mother is playing. And it may be that they are. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, there are now 4.8 million pickleball players in the U.S., with participation up nearly 40 percent between 2019 and 2021, making it America’s fastest-growing sport. While initially viewed as a sport for retirees, the vast majority of recreational players are now under 55, and the fastest growing segment is players under 24.
Whenever I meet someone new and tell them I recently launched a pickleball brand, they can relate. Either they recently started playing, they’ve been wanting to start playing or their parents are “obsessed”.
There are a few reasons why pickleball is so popular:
Pickleball players range in age from 8 to 90. In tournament play, there are currently brackets ranging from 19+ to 80+, but USA Pickleball now has a very active Junior’s Program for 18 and under as well. One of the great things about pickleball is that young and old players can play together, competitively, on the same court. Currently, the oldest professional pickler is 90 years old and the youngest is 12. And the sport is very inclusive. There are several professional players with disabilities and a whole movement for wheelchair-bound players called Para Pickleball. We’ve also seen several players on the court with oxygen tanks strapped to their backs.
Ready to get started playing? Play-PKL has everything you need to know right here. Come play with us!
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